

user.talon_action_find(action: str)

Runs action.find for the provided action and dumps to the log


Adds os-specific context info to the clipboard for the focused app for .talon files


Adds os-specific context info to the clipboard for the focused app for .py files. Assumes you've a Module named mod declared.

user.talon_copy_list(name: str)

Dumps the contents of list to the console


Dumps all settings to the console

user.talon_debug_app_windows(app: str)

Pretty prints the application windows

user.talon_debug_list(name: str)

Dumps the contents of list to the console


Dumps active modes to the console

user.talon_debug_scope(name: str)

Dumps the active scope information to the console

user.talon_debug_setting(name: str)

Dumps the current setting to the console


Dumps the active tags to the console

user.talon_get_active_application_info() str

Returns all active app info to the cliboard

user.talon_get_active_context() str

Returns active context info

user.talon_get_hostname() str

Returns the hostname

user.talon_pretty_format(obj: object)

Pretty formats an object

user.talon_pretty_print(obj: object)

Uses pretty print to dump an object

user.talon_sim_phrase(phrase: str | ...)

Sims the phrase in the active app and dumps to the log

user.talon_version_info() str

Returns talon & operation system verison information