

user.move_app_to_screen(app_name: str, screen_number: int)

Move a specific application to another screen.

user.move_window_next_screen() None

Move the active window to a specific screen.

user.move_window_previous_screen() None

Move the active window to the previous screen.

user.move_window_to_screen(screen_number: int) None

Move the active window leftward by one.

user.snap_app(app_name: str, pos: RelativeScreenPos)

Snap a specific application to another screen.

user.snap_window(pos: RelativeScreenPos) None

Move the active window to a specific position on-screen.         See `RelativeScreenPos` for the structure of this position.        


user.window_snap_position: RelativeScreenPos



Predefined window positions for the current window. See `RelativeScreenPos`.

'center third'
'left third'
'right third'
'left two thirds'
'right two thirds'
'top left'
'top right'
'bottom left'
'bottom right'
'top left third'
'top right third'
'top left two thirds'
'top right two thirds'
'top center third'
'bottom left third'
'bottom right third'
'bottom left two thirds'
'bottom right two thirds'
'bottom center third'


user.window_snap_screen: str = 'proportional'

How to position and size windows when snapping across different physical screens. Options:   "proportional" (default): Preserve the window's relative position and size proportional to the screen.   "size aware": Preserve position relative to the screen, but keep absolute size the same, except if window is full-height or -width, keep it so.