

Insert “…”

logical and

Insert ” && “

logical or

Insert ” || “

state comment

Insert “// “

[line] comment <user.text>

Press “cmd-right”. Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state (funk | func | fun)

Insert “func “

function (Annette | init) [over]

Insert “func init() { \n”

function <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

method <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state var

Insert “var “

variable [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

of type [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state break

Inserts break statement

state (chan | channel)

Insert ” chan “

state go

Insert “go “

state if

Inserts if statement

if <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

spawn <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state else if

Inserts else if statement

else if <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state else

Inserts else statement

else <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Press “enter”. Insert text at the current cursor position

state while

Inserts while statement

while <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state for

Inserts for statement

for <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state for range

Insert “forr “

range <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state format

Insert “fmt”

format <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state switch

Inserts switch statement

switch <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state select

Insert “select “

state (const | constant)

Insert ” const “

constant <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state case

Inserts case statement

state default

Insert “default: \n break;”

case <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state type

Insert ” type “

type <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state true

Insert True value

state false

Insert False value

state (start | struct | struck)

Insert text at the current cursor position Press “enter”.

(struct | struck) <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Press “enter”. Insert text at the current cursor position

[state] empty interface

Insert ” interface { } “

state interface

Insert text at the current cursor position Press “enter”.

interface <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Press “enter”. Insert text at the current cursor position

state string

Insert ” string “

[state] (int | integer | ant)

Insert “int”

state slice

Insert ” []”

slice of

Insert “[]”

[state] (no | nil)

Insert “nil”

state (int | integer | ant) sixty four

Insert ” int64 “

state tag

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

field tag <user.text> [over]

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines. Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state return

Inserts return statement

return <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

map of string to string

Insert ” map[string]string “

map of <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position Press “right”.


Insert ” <- “


Insert “make(”

loggers [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

length <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

append <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state (air | err)

Insert “err”


Insert ” err “

loop over [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

item <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

value <user.text> [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

address of [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

pointer to [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

swipe [<user.text>] [over]

Press “right”. Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position