
state local

Insert “local”

state end

Insert “end”

state then

Insert “then”

state repeat

Insert “repeat”

state until

Insert “until”

state return (null | nil)

Insert “return nil”

state return true

Insert “return true”

state return false

Insert “return false”

state return table

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

state append string

Insert ” .. “

state label <user.text>

Insert text at the current cursor position Inserts a phrase formatted according to formatters. Formatters is a comma separated list of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’) Insert text at the current cursor position

require <user.code_libraries>

Inserts a library and positions the cursor appropriately Press end enter.

state (variable | var) [<user.text>] [over]

inserts properly formatted private function name

state local (variable | var) [<user.text>] [over]

Insert text at the current cursor position inserts properly formatted private function name

method <user.text>

Insert text at the current cursor position inserts properly formatted private function name Insert text at the current cursor position

self dot

Inserts a reference to the current object (e.g., C++ “this” or Python’s “self”) Inserts the object accessor operator (e.g., Java’s “.” or PHP’s “->)

index <user.word>

Insert “[” { word } “]”

index (var | variable) <user.text>

Let <var> be Formats a phrase according to formatters. formatters is a comma-separated string of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’) Insert text at the current cursor position

state return dick

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.