
state include

Insert text at the current cursor position

state include system

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

state include local

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

state type deaf

Insert text at the current cursor position

state type deaf struct

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position Press ‘tab’.

state define

Insert “#define “

state (undefine | undeaf)

Insert “#undef “

state if (define | deaf)

Insert “#ifdef “

[state] define <user.text>$

Insert “#define { user.formatted_text(text, ‘ALL_CAPS,SNAKE_CASE’) }”

[state] (undefine | undeaf) <user.text>$

Insert “#undef { user.formatted_text(text, ‘ALL_CAPS,SNAKE_CASE’) }”

[state] if (define | deaf) <user.text>$

Insert “#ifdef { user.formatted_text(text, ‘ALL_CAPS,SNAKE_CASE’) }”

state pre if

Insert “#if “

state error

Insert “#error “

state pre else if

Insert “#elif “

state pre end

Insert “#endif “

state pragma

Insert “#pragma “

state default

Insert “default: \n break;”

push brackets

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter. Press enter.

<user.c_variable> <phrase>

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

<user.c_variable> <user.letter>

Insert text at the current cursor position

cast to <user.c_cast>

Insert “{ c_cast }”

standard cast to <user.stdint_cast>

Insert “{ stdint_cast }”


Insert “{ c_types }”


Insert “{ c_pointers }”


Insert “{ c_keywords }”


Insert “{ c_signed }”

standard <user.stdint_types>

Insert “{ stdint_types }”

int main

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

toggle includes

GUI: List libraries for active language

include <user.code_libraries>

Inserts a library and positions the cursor appropriately Press end enter.