
open help

Insert text at the current cursor position

[focus] search

Press /.

confirm active

Press enter.

close active

Press escape.

open command [palette]

Press shift-space.

new message

Press c.

send message

Press “ctrl-enter”.

save message

Press ctrl-s.

(go | jump) [to] inbox

Press g. Press i.

(go | jump) [to] draft

Press g. Press d.

(go | jump) [to] sent

Press g. Press s.

(go | jump) [to] starred

Press g. Press ..

(go | jump) [to] archive

Press g. Press a.

(go | jump) [to] spam

Press g. Press x.

(go | jump) [to] trash

Press g. Press t.

(prev | previous) message

Press up.

next message

Press down.

exit message

Press left.

enter message

Press right.

(show | display) newer [message]

Press k.

(show | display) older [message]

Press j.

open message

Press enter.

go back

Send a command to Jetbrains product

select all
(deselect | unselect) all

Press *. Press n.

select [the] (message | conversation)

Press x.

mark [as] read

Press r.

mark [as] unread

Press u.

star (message | conversation)

Press ..

move to inbox

Press i.

move to trash

Press t.

move to archive

Press a.

move to spam

Press s.

reply to (message | conversation)

Press shift-r.

reply all [to] (message | conversation)

Press shift-a.

forward (message | conversation)

Press shift-f.

(prev | previous) contact

Press up.

next contact

Press down.

enter contact

Press right.

delete contact

Press t.

exit contact

Press left.

save contact

Press ctrl-s.