

user.draft_get_text() str

        Returns the text in the draft window        


        Hides draft window        

user.draft_named_move(name: str, screen_number: int | NoneType = typing.Optional[int])

        Lets you move the window to the top, bottom, left, right, or middle         of the screen.        

user.draft_position_caret(anchor: str, after: int = <class 'int'>)

        Positions the caret in the draft window        

user.draft_resize(width: int, height: int)

        Resize the draft window.        

user.draft_select(start_anchor: str, end_anchor: str = <class 'str'>, include_trailing_whitespace: int = <class 'int'>)

        Selects text in the draft window        

user.draft_show(text: str | NoneType = typing.Optional[str])

        Shows draft window        


user.draft_anchor: str

    An anchor (string of letters)    

user.draft_window_position: str
(top | bottom | left | right | middle)

    One of the named positions you can move the window to    


user.draft_window_theme: str = 'dark'

Sets the main colors of the window, one of 'dark' or 'light'

user.draft_window_label_size: int = 20

Sets the size of the word labels used in the draft window

user.draft_window_label_color: str

Sets the color of the word labels used in the draft window. E.g. 00ff00 would be green

user.draft_window_text_size: int = 20

Sets the size of the text used in the draft window



Tag set when draft window showing