cube [control] | Insert “kubectl “ |
cube create | Insert “kubectl create “ |
cube expose | Insert “kubectl expose “ |
cube run | Insert “kubectl run “ |
cube set | Insert “kubectl set “ |
cube run container | Insert “kubectl run-container “ |
cube explain | Insert “kubectl explain “ |
cube get | Insert “kubectl get “ |
cube edit | Insert “kubectl edit “ |
cube delete | Insert “kubectl delete “ |
cube rollout | Insert “kubectl rollout “ |
cube rolling update | Insert “kubectl rolling-update “ |
cube scale | Insert “kubectl scale “ |
cube auto scale | Insert “kubectl autoscale “ |
cube certificate | Insert “kubectl certificate “ |
cube top | Insert “kubectl top “ |
cube drain | Insert “kubectl drain “ |
cube taint | Insert “kubectl taint “ |
cube (cord | cordon) | Insert “kubectl cordon “ |
cube (uncord | uncordon) | Insert “kubectl uncordon “ |
cube cluster (info | information) | Insert “kubectl cluster-info “ |
cube describe | Insert “kubectl describe “ |
cube logs | Insert “kubectl logs “ |
cube attach | Insert “kubectl attach “ |
cube exec | Insert “kubectl exec “ |
cube port forward | Insert “kubectl port-forward “ |
cube proxy | Insert “kubectl proxy “ |
cube copy | Insert “kubectl cp “ |
cube auth | Insert “kubectl auth “ |
cube diff | Insert “kubectl diff “ |
cube apply | Insert “kubectl apply “ |
cube patch | Insert “kubectl patch “ |
cube replace | Insert “kubectl replace “ |
cube wait | Insert “kubectl wait “ |
cube convert | Insert “kubectl convert “ |
cube customize | Insert “kubectl kustomize “ |
cube label | Insert “kubectl label “ |
cube annotate | Insert “kubectl annotate “ |
cube completion | Insert “kubectl completion “ |
cube (interface | API) | Insert “kubectl api “ |
cube interface resources | Insert “kubectl api-resources “ |
cube interface versions | Insert “kubectl api-versions “ |
cube config | Insert “kubectl config “ |
cube help | Insert “kubectl help “ |
cube plugin | Insert “kubectl plugin “ |
cube version | Insert “kubectl version “ |
cube {user.kubectl_action} [{user.kubectl_object}] | Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position |
cube detach | Press “ctrl-p”. Press “ctrl-q”. |
cube shell | Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines. |