- user.i3wm_float()
Toggle whether the focused container should float.
- user.i3wm_focus(what: str)
Move focus
- user.i3wm_fullscreen()
Fullscreen the current container
- user.i3wm_launch()
Trigger the i3 launcher: ex rofi
- user.i3wm_layout(layout: str | NoneType = typing.Optional[str])
Change to specified layout. Toggle split if unspecified.
- user.i3wm_lock()
Trigger the lock screen
- user.i3wm_mode(name: str)
Switch i3 mode
- user.i3wm_move(to: str)
Move the focused container
- user.i3wm_move_position(where: str)
Move the focused container to the specified position.
- user.i3wm_move_to_output(which: str)
Move the focused container to the specified output.
- user.i3wm_move_to_workspace(which: str | int)
Move the focused container to the specified workspace
- user.i3wm_reload()
Reload the i3 config
- user.i3wm_restart()
Restart the window manager
- user.i3wm_shell()
Launch a shell
- user.i3wm_show_scratchpad()
Focus/cycle/hide the scratchpad
- user.i3wm_split(direction: str)
Split the focused container
- user.i3wm_switch_to_workspace(which: str | int)
Focus the specified workspace
- user.i3_config_path: str = '~/.i3/config'
Where to find the configuration path
- user.i3_mod_key: str = 'super'
The default key to use for i3wm commands