
until <number>

Insert “until { number }”

force clear all break points

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

break [on] clipboard

Insert text at the current cursor position Press ctrl-shift-v. Press enter.

list [source]

Insert “list \n”

info source

Insert “info source \n”


Insert “p “

print [variable] <user.text>

Insert “p { text }”

print hex

Insert “p/x “

print hex [variable] <user.text>

Insert “p/x { text }”

print string

Insert “p/s “

hex dump <number> bytes

Insert “x/ { number } bx “

hex dump <number> (half | short) words

Insert “x/ { number } hx “

hex dump <number> (d | long) words

Insert “x/ { number } dx “

hex dump <number> quad words

Insert “x/ { number } gx “

hex dump

Insert “x/100gx “

hex dump highlighted

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.

hex dump clipboard

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.


Insert “source \t \t”

(list | show | info) display

Insert “info display \n”

display assembly line$

Insert “display /i $pc \n”

display source

Insert “display “

enable display <number_small>

Insert “enable display { number_small } \n”

disable display <number_small>

Insert “disable display { number_small } \n”


Insert “undisplay \n”

(list | show | info) local

Insert “info local “

(list | show | info) local typed

Insert “info local -t “

(list | show | info) variable

Insert “info variable “

(list | show | info) variable typed

Insert “info variable -t “

(list | show | info) locals

Insert “info local \n”

(list | show | info) variables

Insert “info variables \n”

info threads

Insert “info threads \n”

restart [program]

Insert “r \n”


Send a command to Jetbrains product

back trace

Insert “bt \n”

debug quit

Insert “quit \n”

debug force quit

Insert “quit \n y \n”

(show | info) (inf | inferiors)

Insert “info inferiors \n”

inferior <number_small>$

Insert “inferior { number_small } \n”


Insert “inferior “

resume main (inf | inferior)

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

resume [from] (inf | inferior) <number_small>$

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

set args

Insert “set args “

show follow (fork | forks) [mode]

Insert “show follow-fork-mode \n”

[set] follow (fork | forks) [mode] child

Insert “set follow-fork-mode child \n”

[set] follow (fork | forks) [mode] parent

Insert “set follow-fork-mode parent \n”

show detach on fork

Insert “show detach-on-fork \n”

set detach on fork

Insert “set detach-on-fork on \n”

unset detach on fork

Insert “set detach-on-fork off \n”

show list size

Insert “show listsize \n”

set list size <number_small>

Insert “set listsize { number_small } \n”

clear screen

Clear screen