
git {user.git_command} [<user.git_arguments>]

Let <args> be <git_arguments> or None Insert “git { git_command } { args } “

git commit [<user.git_arguments>] message [<user.prose>]

Let <args> be <git_arguments> or None Let <message> be <prose> or None Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

git stash [push] [<user.git_arguments>] message [<user.prose>]

Let <args> be <git_arguments> or None Let <message> be <prose> or None Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

git status$

Insert “git status \n”

git add patch$

Insert “git add –patch \n”

git show head$

Insert “git show HEAD \n”

git diff$

Insert “git diff \n”

git diff (cached | cashed)$

Insert “git diff –cached \n”

git clone clipboard

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.

git diff highlighted

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.

git diff clipboard

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.

git add highlighted

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.

git add clipboard

Insert text at the current cursor position Press enter.

git commit highlighted

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position