
talon check updates

Check for updates

talon open log

Open Talon log

talon open rebel

Open Talon REPL

talon home

Open Talon config folder

talon copy context pie

Adds os-specific context info to the clipboard for the focused app for .py files. Assumes you’ve a Module named mod declared.

talon copy context

Adds os-specific context info to the clipboard for the focused app for .talon files

talon copy name

Let <name> be Get active app’s name Set clipboard text

talon copy executable

Let <executable> be Get active app’s executable name Set clipboard text

talon copy bundle

Let <bundle> be Get active app’s bundle identifier Set clipboard text

talon copy title

Let <title> be Get window title Set clipboard text

talon dump version

Let <result> be Returns talon & operation system verison information Display an object in the log

talon insert version

Let <result> be Returns talon & operation system verison information Pastes text and preserves clipboard

talon dump context

Let <result> be Returns active context info Display an object in the log

^talon test last$

Let <phrase> be returns the history entry at the specified index Sims the phrase in the active app and dumps to the log

^talon test numb <number_small>$

Let <phrase> be returns the history entry at the specified index Sims the phrase in the active app and dumps to the log

^talon test <phrase>$

Sims the phrase in the active app and dumps to the log

^talon debug action {user.talon_actions}$

Runs action.find for the provided action and dumps to the log

^talon debug list {user.talon_lists}$

Dumps the contents of list to the console

^talon copy list {user.talon_lists}$

Dumps the contents of list to the console

^talon debug tags$

Dumps the active tags to the console

^talon debug modes$

Dumps active modes to the console

^talon debug scope {user.talon_scopes}$

Dumps the active scope information to the console

^talon debug setting {user.talon_settings}$

Dumps the current setting to the console

^talon debug all settings$

Dumps all settings to the console

^talon debug active app$

Let <result> be Returns all active app info to the cliboard Display an object in the log Display an object in the log Display an object in the log

^talon copy active app$

Let <result> be Returns all active app info to the cliboard Set clipboard text

talon (bug report | report bug)

Visit the given URL.