

Inserts equivalent of { } for the active language, and places the cursor appropriately

attribute [<user.text>]

Let <name> be Formats a phrase according to formatters. formatters is a comma-separated string of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’) Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

prop <user.text>

Let <name> be Formats a phrase according to formatters. formatters is a comma-separated string of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’) Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

rule <user.text>

Let <name> be Formats a phrase according to formatters. formatters is a comma-separated string of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’) Insert text at the current cursor position

value <user.number_string> [{user.css_unit}]

Insert “{ number_string } { css_unit or ‘’ }”

value <user.number_string> point <digit_string> [{user.css_unit}]

Insert “{ number_string } . { digit_string } { css_unit or ‘’ }”

(value | state) {user.css_global_value}

Insert “{ css_global_value }”

value <user.text>

Inserts a phrase formatted according to formatters. Formatters is a comma separated list of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’)

variable <user.text>

Let <name> be Formats a phrase according to formatters. formatters is a comma-separated string of formatters (e.g. ‘CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING’) Insert text at the current cursor position

op var

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

at {user.css_at_rule}

Insert “@ { css_at_rule } “

unit {user.css_unit}

Insert text at the current cursor position

[value] current color

Insert “currentColor”

op important

Insert ” !important”