
port <number_small>

Focus the specified workspace

(port flip | flipper)

Focus the specified workspace

port right

Focus the specified workspace

port left

Focus the specified workspace

(win | window) left

Move focus

(win | window) right

Move focus

(win | window) up

Move focus

(win | window) down

Move focus

(win | window) kill
(win | window) stacking

Change to specified layout. Toggle split if unspecified.

(win | window) default

Change to specified layout. Toggle split if unspecified.

(win | window) tabbed

Change to specified layout. Toggle split if unspecified.

reload i three config

Reload the i3 config

restart i three

Restart the window manager

(full screen | scuba)

Fullscreen the current container

toggle floating

Send a command to Jetbrains product

focus floating

Move focus

center window

Move the focused container to the specified position.

resize mode

Switch i3 mode

focus parent

Move focus

focus child

Move focus

grow window

Switch i3 mode Press right:10. Press down:10. Press escape. Move the focused container to the specified position.

shrink window

Switch i3 mode Press left:10. Press up:10. Press escape. Move the focused container to the specified position.

horizontal (shell | terminal)

Split the focused container Launch a shell

vertical (shell | terminal)

Split the focused container Launch a shell

(shuffle | move (win | window) [to] port) <number_small>

Move the focused container to the specified workspace

(shuffle | move (win | window) [to] last port)

Move the focused container to the specified workspace

(shuffle | move) flipper

Move the focused container to the specified workspace

(shuffle | move (win | window) left)

Move the focused container

(shuffle | move (win | window) right)

Move the focused container

(shuffle | move (win | window) up)

Move the focused container

(shuffle | move (win | window) down)

Move the focused container

(win | window) horizontal

Split the focused container

(win | window) vertical

Split the focused container

make scratch

Move the focused container

[(show | hide)] scratch

Focus/cycle/hide the scratchpad

next scratch

Focus/cycle/hide the scratchpad Focus/cycle/hide the scratchpad


Trigger the i3 launcher: ex rofi

launch <user.text>

Trigger the i3 launcher: ex rofi Insert text at the current cursor position

lock screen

Trigger the lock screen

(launch shell | koopa)

Launch a shell

new scratch (shell | window)

Launch a shell Move the focused container Focus/cycle/hide the scratchpad


Notify the user that the given voice command is deprecated and should not be used into the future; the command `replacement` should be used instead.