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Press ?.

next tweet

Press j.

previous tweet

Press k.

page down

Press space.

load new tweet

Press ..

go home

Press alt-home.

go explore

Insert text at the current cursor position

go notifications

Insert text at the current cursor position

go mentions

Insert text at the current cursor position

go profile

Insert text at the current cursor position

go likes

Insert text at the current cursor position

go lists

Insert text at the current cursor position

go direct messages

Insert text at the current cursor position

go settings

Insert text at the current cursor position

go book marks

Insert text at the current cursor position

go to user

Insert text at the current cursor position

display settings

Insert text at the current cursor position

new tweet

Press n.

send tweet

Press ctrl-enter.

new direct message

Press m.


Press “ctrl-f”.

like message

Press l.

reply message

Press r.

re tweet [message]

Press t.

share tweet

Press s.


Press b.

mute account

Press urge.

block account

Press x.

open details

Press enter.

expand photo

Press o.