- user.screenshot(screen_number: int | NoneType = typing.Optional[int])
Takes a screenshot of the entire screen and saves it to the pictures folder. Optional screen number can be given to use screen other than main.
- user.screenshot_clipboard(screen_number: int | NoneType = typing.Optional[int])
Takes a screenshot of the entire screen and saves it to the clipboard. Optional screen number can be given to use screen other than main.
- user.screenshot_rect(rect: ..., title: str = <class 'str'>, screen_num: int | NoneType = typing.Optional[int])
Allow other modules this screenshot a rectangle
- user.screenshot_selection()
Triggers an application that is capable of taking a screenshot of a portion of the screen
- user.screenshot_selection_clip()
Triggers an application that is capable of taking a screenshot of a portion of the screen and adding to clipboard
- user.screenshot_settings()
Opens the settings UI for screenshots. Only applies to Mac for now
- user.screenshot_window()
Takes a screenshot of the active window and saves it to the pictures folder
- user.screenshot_window_clipboard()
Takes a screenshot of the active window and saves it to the clipboard
- user.screenshot_folder: str = '~/Pictures'
Where to save screenshots. Note this folder must exist.