
dot talon

Insert text at the current cursor position

action block

Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines.

setting block

Insert text at the current cursor position

setting {user.talon_settings}

Pastes text and preserves clipboard

win require

Insert text at the current cursor position

mac require

Insert text at the current cursor position

linux require

Insert text at the current cursor position

title require

Insert text at the current cursor position

application [require] [{user.talon_apps}]

Let <app> be <talon_apps> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard

mode require [{user.talon_modes}]

Let <mode> be <talon_modes> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard

tag require [{user.talon_tags}]

Let <tag> be <talon_tags> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard

tag set [{user.talon_tags}]

Let <tag> be <talon_tags> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard

host require

Let <hostname> be Returns the hostname Pastes text and preserves clipboard

list {user.talon_lists}

Insert “{{ { talon_lists }} }”

capture {user.talon_captures}

Insert “< { talon_captures } >”

key <user.keys> over

Insert “{ keys }”

key <user.modifiers> over

Insert “{ modifiers }”

funk {user.talon_actions}

Inserts a function and positions the cursor appropriately

funk cell <number>

Inserts the selected function when the imgui is open

funk wrap <user.code_common_function>

Inserts a function and positions the cursor appropriately

funk wrap <number>

Inserts the selected function when the imgui is open