dot talon | Insert text at the current cursor position |
action block | Insert `before + after`, leaving cursor between `before` and `after`. Not entirely reliable if `after` contains newlines. |
setting block | Insert text at the current cursor position |
setting {user.talon_settings} | Pastes text and preserves clipboard |
win require | Insert text at the current cursor position |
mac require | Insert text at the current cursor position |
linux require | Insert text at the current cursor position |
title require | Insert text at the current cursor position |
application [require] [{user.talon_apps}] | Let <app> be <talon_apps> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard |
mode require [{user.talon_modes}] | Let <mode> be <talon_modes> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard |
tag require [{user.talon_tags}] | Let <tag> be <talon_tags> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard |
tag set [{user.talon_tags}] | Let <tag> be <talon_tags> or None Pastes text and preserves clipboard |
host require | Let <hostname> be Returns the hostname Pastes text and preserves clipboard |
list {user.talon_lists} | Insert “{{ { talon_lists }} }” |
capture {user.talon_captures} | Insert “< { talon_captures } >” |
key <user.keys> over | Insert “{ keys }” |
key <user.modifiers> over | Insert “{ modifiers }” |
funk {user.talon_actions} | Inserts a function and positions the cursor appropriately |
funk cell <number> | Inserts the selected function when the imgui is open |
funk wrap <user.code_common_function> | Inserts a function and positions the cursor appropriately |
funk wrap <number> | Inserts the selected function when the imgui is open |