
state unsafe

Insert “unsafe “

unsafe block

Inserts an unsafe block and positions the cursor appropriately

state (struct | structure) <user.text>

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

state enum <user.text>

Insert text at the current cursor position Insert text at the current cursor position

toggle use

GUI: List libraries for active language


Insert “&”

borrow mutable

Insert “&mut “

state (a sink | async | asynchronous)

Insert “async “

state (pub | public)

Insert “pub “

state (pub | public) crate

Insert “pub(crate) “

state (dyn | dynamic)

Insert “dyn “

state constant

Insert “const “

state (funk | func | function)

Insert “fn “

state (imp | implements)

Insert “impl “

state let mute

Insert “let mut “

state let

Insert “let “

state (mute | mutable)

Insert “mut “

state (mod | module)

Insert “mod “

state ref (mute | mutable)

Insert “ref mut “

state ref

Insert “ref “

state trait

Insert “trait “

state match

Inserts switch statement

state (some | sum)

Insert “Some”

state static

Insert “static “

self taught

Insert “self.”

state use

import/using equivalent

use <user.code_libraries>

Inserts a library and positions the cursor appropriately Press ; enter.

state if let some

Inserts if let some block, positioning the cursor appropriately

state if let (ok | okay)
state if let error

Inserts if let error block, positioning the cursor appropriately

is some

Inserts check for non-null

implement (struct | structure)

Inserts implements block, positioning the cursor appropriately

is implemented trait {user.code_trait}

Inserts type annotation for implementor of trait

is implemented trait

Insert “: impl “

returns implemented trait {user.code_trait}

Inserts a return type for implementor of trait

returns implemented trait

Insert ” -> impl “

trait {user.code_trait}

Insert text at the current cursor position

implemented trait {user.code_trait}

Insert text at the current cursor position

dynamic trait {user.code_trait}

Insert text at the current cursor position

macro {user.code_macros}

Inserts a macro and positions the cursor appropriately

macro wrap {user.code_macros}

Inserts a macro and positions the cursor appropriately

block dock comment

Inserts a block document comment and positions the cursor appropriately

inner dock comment

Inserts an inner document comment and positions the cursor appropriately

inner block dock comment

Inserts an inner block document comment and positions the cursor appropriately