

user.formatted_text(phrase: str | ..., formatters: str) str

Formats a phrase according to formatters. formatters is a comma-separated string of formatters (e.g. 'CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING')

user.formatters_reformat_last(formatters: str) str

Clears and reformats last formatted phrase

user.formatters_reformat_selection(formatters: str) str

Reformats the current selection.

user.get_formatters_words() dict

returns a list of words currently used as formatters, and a demonstration string using those formatters

user.insert_formatted(phrase: str | ..., formatters: str)

Inserts a phrase formatted according to formatters. Formatters is a comma separated list of formatters (e.g. 'CAPITALIZE_ALL_WORDS,DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING')

user.insert_many(strings: list[str]) None

Insert a list of strings, sequentially.

user.insert_with_history(text: str)

Inserts some text, remembering it in the phrase history.

user.reformat_text(text: str, formatters: str) str

Reformat the text.


user.formatters: str

Returns a comma-separated string of formatters e.g. 'SNAKE,DUBSTRING'

user.format_text: str
<self.formatters> <user.text> (<user.text> | <user.formatter_immune>)*

Formats the text and returns a string

user.formatter_immune: ImmuneString
(<user.symbol_key> | (numb | numeral) <number>)

Text that can be interspersed into a formatter, e.g. characters.     It will be inserted directly, without being formatted.    



list of formatters

'all cap'
'all down'
'dub string'

words to start dictating prose, and the formatter they apply

'say' 'NOOP'
'speak' 'NOOP'