- user.copy_all()
Copy all text in the current document
- user.copy_line()
Copy current line
- user.copy_line_end()
Copy to end of current line
- user.copy_line_start()
Copy to start of current line
- user.copy_word()
Copy word under cursor
- user.copy_word_left()
Copies the word to the left.
- user.copy_word_right()
Copies the word to the right.
- user.cut_all()
Cut all text in the current document
- user.cut_line()
Cut current line
- user.cut_line_end()
Cut to end of current line
- user.cut_line_start()
Cut to start of current line
- user.cut_word()
Cut word under cursor
- user.cut_word_left()
Cuts the word to the left.
- user.cut_word_right()
Cuts the word to the right.
- user.delete_all()
Delete all text in the current document
- user.delete_line_end()
Delete to end of current line
- user.delete_line_start()
Delete to start of current line
- user.delete_right()
Delete character to the right
- user.paste(text: str)
Pastes text and preserves clipboard
- user.paste_all()
Paste to the current document
- user.paste_line()
Paste to current line
- user.paste_line_end()
Paste to end of current line
- user.paste_line_start()
Paste to start of current line
- user.paste_word()
Paste to word under cursor
- user.select_line_end()
Select to end of current line
- user.select_line_start()
Select to start of current line
- user.words_left(n: int)
Moves left by n words.
- user.words_right(n: int)
Moves right by n words.