
run that

Press “cmd-enter”.

run document

Press “cmd-alt-r”.

run from top

Press “cmd-alt-b”.

run to end

Press “cmd-alt-e”.

run (function | funk)

Press “cmd-alt-f”.

run section

Press “cmd-alt-t”.

run previous chunks

Press “cmd-alt-p”.

run chunk

Press “cmd-alt-c”.

run next chunk

Press “cmd-alt-n”.

run all

Press “cmd-shift-s”.

run knitter

Press “cmd-shift-k”.

run profiler

Press “cmd-shift-alt-p”.

jump back

Press “cmd-f9”.

jump forward

Press “cmd-f10”.

close all tabs

Execute command via vscode command server, if available, or fallback to command palette.

indent lines

Press “cmd-i”.

toggle comment
reformat comment

Press “cmd-shift-/”.

reformat R code

Press “cmd-shift-a”.

line up

Press “alt-up”.

line down

Press “alt-down”.

duplicate line up

Press “cmd-alt-up”.

duplicate line [down]

Press “cmd-alt-down”.

select to paren

Press “ctrl-shift-e”.

select to matching paren

Press “ctrl-shift-alt-e”.

jump to matching

Press “ctrl-p”.

expand selection

Press “shift-alt-cmd-up”.

reduce selection

Press “shift-alt-cmd-down”.

add cursor up

Press “ctrl-alt-up”.

add cursor down

Press “ctrl-alt-down”.

move active cursor up

Press “ctrl-alt-shift-up”.

move active cursor down

Press “ctrl-alt-shift-down”.

delete line

Press “cmd-d”.

delete word left

Press “alt-backspace”.

delete word right

Press “alt-delete”.

assign that

Press “alt–“.

pipe that

Press “cmd-shift-m”.

insert knitter chunk

Press “cmd-alt-i”.

fold that

Execute command via vscode command server, if available, or fallback to command palette.

unfold that

Execute command via vscode command server, if available, or fallback to command palette.

fold all

Execute command via vscode command server, if available, or fallback to command palette.

unfold all

Execute command via vscode command server, if available, or fallback to command palette.

find and replace

Press “cmd-f”.

find next

Press “cmd-g”.

find previous

Press “cmd-shift-g”.

find with selection

Press “cmd-e”.

find in files

Press “cmd-shift-f”.

run replace

Press “cmd-shift-j”.

run spell check

Press “f7”.

go to source

Press “ctrl-1”.

go to console

Press “ctrl-2”.

go to help

Press “ctrl-3”.

go to history

Press “ctrl-4”.

go to files

Press “ctrl-5”.

go to (plots | plot)

Press “ctrl-6”.

go to packages

Press “ctrl-7”.

go to environment

Press “ctrl-8”.

go to git

Press “ctrl-9”.

go to build

Press “ctrl-0”.

go to terminal

Press “alt-shift-t”.

go to omni

Press “ctrl-.”.

go to line

Press “cmd-shift-alt-g”.

go to section

Press “cmd-shift-alt-j”.

go to tab

Press “ctrl-shift-.”.

go to previous tab

Press “ctrl-f11”.

go to next tab

Press “ctrl-f12”.

go to first tab

Press “ctrl-shift-f11”.

go to last tab

Press “ctrl-shift-f12”.

zoom source

Press “ctrl-shift-1”.

(zoom | show) all

Press “ctrl-shift-0”.

help that

Press “f1”.

define that

Press “f2”.

previous plot

Press “cmd-alt-f11”.

next plot

Press “cmd-alt-f12”.

restart R session

Press “cmd-shift-f10”.

dev tools build

Press “cmd-shift-b”.

dev tools load all

Press “cmd-shift-l”.

dev tools test

Press “cmd-shift-t”.

dev tools check

Press “cmd-shift-e”.

dev tools document

Press “cmd-shift-d”.

toggle breakpoint

Press “shift-f9”.

debug next

Press “f10”.

debug step into (function | funk)

Press “shift-f4”.

debug finish (function | funk)

Press “shift-f6”.

debug continue

Press f8.

debug stop

Stop the debugger

run git diff

Press “ctrl-alt-d”.

run git commit

Press “ctrl-alt-m”.